

Insurance Regulations

Insurance and its associated activities of Brokers, Agents, Assessors and Risk Managers are regulated activities in Lesotho. The Regulatory Authority is the Central Bank of Lesotho, the full details of which can be found in our most Recent Insurance Act published in September 2014.

Insurance broking services in Lesotho must be through a insurance broker registered in Lesotho.


Tax Implications

Lesotho registered companies that purchase insurance from insurance companies not registered in Lesotho will find that the Lesotho tax act prohibits these premiums as a deductible expense.



The insurance Industry is exempt from vat in Lesotho


Compulsory Insurance

Workman’s Compensation insurance is compulsory insurance in Lesotho for employers.   This insurance provides for Death and Injury to the Employee and Liability cover for the Employer.

Professional Indemnity Insurance is compulsory for Insurance Brokers


Excluded Insurance

Damage as a result of politically motivated riots is excluded from all covers in Lesotho unless purchased specifically

Non-political Riots, Strikes and malicious damage is generally included if requested without additional premium costs


The Insurance market consists mainly of the below insurers

Alliance Insurance Company

Operating since 1911

Short Term & Long Term Insurance Products

Lesotho National Insurance Group

Operating since 1977

Short Term & Long Term Insurance Products

Specialized Insurance Company

Operating since 2015

Short Term Insurance Products

Metropolitan Insurance Company

Operating since 1967

Long Term & Medical Insurance Products

Zenith Horizon Insurance Company

Operating since 2013

Short Term Insurance Products

TIB encourages Lesotho Businesses and Citizens to use and support Lesotho registered Brokers, and Insurers. With the wide variety of Insurance products available, good professional assistance from registered intermediaries and the protection of the Regulator, there are many reasons to support Lesotho.


Please feel free to make contact with us to discuss your insurance needs, or just for guidance.